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Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Dipped Marshmallows

    Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Dipped Marshmallows

    Today in this recipe, I’ll show you how to prepare Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Dipped Marshmallows or you can say that you will know the great recipe to make Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Dipped Marshmallows, today. So, without wasting time let’s start:

    Ingredients To Make Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Dipped Marshmallows

    To make the Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Dipped Marshmallows, the ingredients which are required to make this recipe are the following which are shown below:

    • (1) sixteen-ounce bag of giant marshmallows
    • (2) servings of the Six-Minute Salted Caramel Sauce (recipe linked in article)
    • Eight ounces of melted dark chocolate
    • Two tsp canola or coconut oil
    • Crushed graham cracker crumbs, 1/4 cup

    Instructions To Make Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Dipped Marshmallows

    To make the Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Dipped Marshmallows, these are some very important instructions that you have to follow while making it. So by following these ones you will be able to make the Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Dipped Marshmallows and the instructions are the following which are shown below:  

    1. Use silicon baking mats or parchment paper to line a large baking sheet. Arrange the marshmallows on the prepared baking sheet. The pan should be frozen for fifteen minutes.
    2. Prepare your caramel sauce while the marshmallows are setting.
    3. When the marshmallows are done, put them back on the prepared pan after dipping the bottom end of each one into the caramel. Continue with every marshmallow. After the caramel has had time to harden, about 15 minutes, place the pan back in the freezer.
    4. Melt the chocolate as the caramel hardens. In order to do this, put the chopped chocolate in a small microwave-safe dish, pour in the oil, and cook on low for 30 second bursts, stirring in between, until the chocolate has melted fully and is smooth to the touch. Put away.
    5. Take the pan out of the freezer when the caramel is set, then dip each marshmallow into the melted chocolate, completing the process with all the marshmallows. After drizzling the leftover chocolate over the marshmallow topping, garnish with crushed graham cracker crumbs.
    6. Before consuming or serving, let the chocolate harden.


    *Be careful not to let too much caramel fall off the marshmallows after dipping them in it before placing them on the baking pan. When the marshmallow cools, the caramel will form a little pool at the bottom, which will make it simple to remove the silicon layer.You may use milk chocolate or semi-sweet chocolate if you don’t like dark chocolate, but the marshmallows can taste too sweet if you use a sweeter chocolate.A recipe for those with sweet tooth 🙂 Even with the addition of dark chocolate and salt to counterbalance the sweetness, the finished product is still an extremely sweet treat.

    Conclusion (Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Dipped Marshmallows)

    So, this is all about “Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Dipped Marshmallows” from our side. And we hope that you understand and like the Recipe. Please share your ideas and recommendations in the comments section below!

    Thank you for your precious time!

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